Social Media – Measurement and Tracking

The organization

Regenesis is a community environmental organization dedicated to empowering students to address today’s environmental and social concerns through advocacy and local service. 

Photo on Regenersis website

The target audience of Regenersis is students in GTA, especially York University students, age 18-24.

Social media platform used are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

According to CIRA, the most popular social media platforms that Canadian follow brands and businesses are Facebook 59%, Instagram 27%, Twitter 17%, and YouTube 16%.

Moreover, these social media are commonly used among the young generation and students (Statista). According to Pew Research, YouTube is the most popular social media among students with 94% of users, closely followed by Facebook with 80%. The majority of students also have an Instagram account (71%). There are 45% of students using Twitter to watch the news. Therefore, Regenersis deploys these platforms to communicate and approach the target audience.

On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Regenersis uploads pictures, announce upcoming activities, posts the reviews and share the moment on previous events, creates call-to-action messages. Especially on Facebook, many articles on environment, healthy lifestyle, waste recycling, climate change, and community are posted to engage students on and off-campus. 

Measurement and Tracking

To measure the performance of each social media platforms, several metrics are used, including

  1. Clicks: the number of clicks to the platform. Tool: SumAll
  2. CTR: the ratio calculated by the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions (the number of times the platform is shown). Tool: Twitter Analytics
  3. Engagement (social interactions): a total sum of smaller engagement metrics such as likes, comments, question, replies, retweets or shares, reposts. Tool: WiseLytics
  4. Engagement Rate is the rate that illustrates audience responsiveness (how responsive the audience is and how many are real followers), calculated by the total numbers of engagements divided by total reach, multiplied by 100. Tool: Ninjalitics
  5. Hashtag Performance: the choice of the hashtag and its trending performance to draw attention and approach target customer to the post or platform. Tool Iconosquare
  6. Organic Likes: the number of likes to the post/ platforms without paid distribution. Tool: Facebook Insights
  7. Paid Likes: the number of likes earned by paid distribution. Tool: Facebook Insights
  8. Reach: the number of people who see the content. Tool: Keyhole
  9. Sentiment: checking how many negative and positive keywords are present in the conversation on the social media platform. Tool: Social Mention

These social media metrics are important as it indicates how successful a campaign is and how well the social strategy is conducted, which will place an impact on business goal (Sproutsocial)

Social media analytics tool

There are many analytic tools available according to budget and needs that help to keep track of and analyze data from social media platforms. 

We have the social own networks’ analytics toolkits that measure organic and paid likes, engagement, reach, engagement, followers, page views, actions, conversion…

  1. Facebook Insights
  2. Instagram Insights:
  3. Twitter Analytics
  4. Pinterest Analytics
  5. LinkedIn Analytics
  6. YouTube Analytics
Photo of Facebook Insights on Facebook
Photo of YouTube Analytics on YouTube

Besides, there are tools developed by Google to keep track of the social media such as Google Analytics, Google Trends that can track more metrics like keywords, CTR, engagement, conversions, conversion rate, impressions…

Google Analytics

There are other social media analytics tools that track most of basic metrics and free for use including

Keyhole: measure impressions, reach, posts and engagements, hashtags, key influencers…especially for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Keyhole Analytics

Boardreader: ideally for reviews and forum posts

Iconosquare: Instagram and Facebook focused, track social media and analytics metrics like follower evolution, average engagement rate per post, and reach and impressions, competitor analysis of follower growth, engagement and reach. Additional features are community analytics, profile activity, competitor tracking, and hashtag tracking are on offer. (

Likealyzer: built around Facebook

Likealyzer Analytics

SumAll: a social media analytics platform that lets you connect several social accounts like Facebook, Twitter and more

Vizia: especially for video content driving.

Wiselytics: Facebook analytics-focused, with Twitter analytics in beta

There are a variety of other sophisticated social analytics tools such as Sproutsocial, Buffer, Netbase… with a different price range. It’s up to us which platform to use. Have the right analytics tools that fit our requirements and budget, providing real-time actionable insights is a must.

Regenersis mostly chooses the social own network’s toolktits to track each platform metrics. Besides, Google Analytics is also used to measure keyword performance, clicks, CTR, engagement, conversion, conversion rate, and impression. These tools are totally free for use and very effective to keep track of the data.

Target number for social media metrics

 It is no doubt that setting up the goal will increase the chance of social media success. According to Finances Online, people with written goals will have 30 times the likelihood of achieving success than those who do not. A SMART social marketing objective should agree with the business goal and suggest a reasonable target number for social media metrics. Besides, research on competitors’ performance, social analytics reports in the industry are great guidance for social media metrics’ number as well. It should answer the question “What we are hoping to achieve with social media (Marie Ennis O’Connor). As an example of this, Regenersis checks the social analytics reports of ENSU- one competitor to visualize the target number for its social media metrics.

Engagement Rate

One of Regenersis ‘s largest competitors is Environmental Students’ Union (ENSU), the University of Toronto. They are also very active in using many types of social media. Through the social analytics tool, their social metrics can be detected easily.

ENSU’s Instagram metrics 


Potential Market

The market chosen in this assignment is the restaurant, specifically the Whole Foods Market restaurant, where I am working now. Our restaurant offers a wide range of food, from specialty to fast food with one of the best chefs from the industry having many years of working experience. Our chefs are very diverse in culture, which makes sure that the dishes are authentic to our customers. All food is prepared and stored with high-quality standards that are not standard anywhere else. “When you walk in our doors, you’ll find vibrant stacks of produce, animal welfare rated meat, Responsibly Farmed and sustainable wild-caught seafood with ingredients you can trust”.(

Our segmentation is based on customers’ behavioural and psychographic as we believe this can help us approach and target our audience the best.

There are 5 segments: Convenience Seekers, Taste makers, Health-oriented Epicure, Delectable Flavor Searcher, and Vegan Lovers

Convenience Seekers

These are customers who do not have much time to enjoy food so they just want to grab our food and fulfill their stomachs during lunch break at work or in the evening for dinner. They can be students, office workers … or households that seek a quick meal for their days. They stick to our business because it is convenient for them.


Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash


Jake Age 35

Financial Consultant, Toronto, Income $112,000

Jake is a financial consultant for Deloitte Canada, one of the biggest giants in the consulting industry. He leads a very busy life with many projects and clients. He used to love travelling a lot, but not anymore. He spends most of his time in front of the computer or laptop for researching and connecting to give the best advice for clients.

Likes Mind hunter series, Gateaux, Bordeaux

Dislikes Waiting, Whining, Shopping

Motivation Appraised by the clients, Earning money

Values Friends, Career

Media habits Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Toronto Star

Food Influencers

These are people who influence popular taste. They can be well-known chefs, food journalists, editors for food and drink magazines or famous bloggers, YouTubers… on food. They often go to various restaurants or street food, enjoy, and then write an article, sharing their ideas or experience about the food and the places that they visit.


Source :


Photo by Alexa Suter on Unsplash


Trinity Age 32

Journalist Toronto Income $90,000

Trinity is a journalist in NOW Magazine, in which she takes over the food and drink section. She graduated from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English Linguistics and Literature where she built her writing skills and analytical thinking. She has worked there for 3 years and from then she has a great passion for food. She is a traveler, an explorer, and a taste maker who can make a profound impact on most foodies, especially her article’s readers.

Likes Discovery National Geographic Romance

Dislikes Lying, Horror Movies

Motivation Enjoy life with love and fun

Values Family, Education

Media habits Facebook Instagram Pinterest NOW Magazine

Health Thinkers

They are people who care about health, especially healthy food. They will not put anything into their stomachs without considering if it is good for health or not. They usually search for health information and perform health behavior.

Source :

Source :

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash


Julia 25

Postgraduate student Toronto Income $15,000

Julia was born in Yellowknife in a middle-class family. She is a post-graduate student and she is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Ivey School of Business. Her health-oriented lifestyle was inspired by her mother who only cooks healthy food at home. Now she is not living with parents anymore because she had to move to London, Ontario but she still keeps the health concern mindset and only eats healthy food.

Likes Reading books, Listening to music

Dislikes Betrayal, Dishonesty

Motivation Taking healthy food to and lead a healthy behavior in life

Values Love, Family, Morality

Media habits Snapchat Pinterest Toronto Star

Delectable Flavour Searchers

These are people who only look for delicious food. They do not mind paying extra but they want to make sure the food they take must be delicious and nice displayed.

Photo by Jia Ye on Unsplash


Ichiro Age 39

Businessman Toronto Income $145,000

Ichiro came to Canada when he was a toddler. He grows up in Toronto and pursues Doctorate Degree in the University of Montreal. Five years ago, he started up his own business with 5 employees and now the number has risen to 100. He is quite a busy man but he always enjoys eating as he believes this is the time he can rest and enjoy life. Therefore, he takes nothing but delicious food.

Likes Playing Golf, Drinking

Dislikes Wasting time, tasteless food

Motivation Build up his business and make it become stronger and more well-known

Values Loyalty, Creativity

Media habits LinkedIn Facebook WhatsApp Toronto Star

Vegan Lovers

Vegan lovers are those who have a vegan lifestyle. They only seek for vegan food.

Photo by Outcast India on Unsplash


Nairobi, Age 25

Office administrator Toronto Income $45,000

Nairobi lives alone in the very downtown near her workplace. She loves hanging out with friends and go to the bar after work to enjoy life. She turned to vegans one year ago while volunteering for a vegan society. After doing much research she finds that going vegan is good to some extent. That’s why she now turns to be a vegan lover.

Likes Country Music Camping


Motivation Build up his business and make it stronger

Values Relationship Family background

Media habits LinkedIn Facebook Telegram Toronto Star

The mock-up is used to reach health thinkers. As these customers are interested in healthy food, the ad sends the message that Whole Foods Market provides them with local, organic, non-GMO, healthy food on their specific order.

On Twitter, it shows “Hootsuite Inc”. That’s how you know the post was done via Hootsuite

How education will make you create more engaging post on Social Media?

In order to engage audiences and make you Social Media post perform effectively and efficiently. Your ideas are important but how you write is even more important.

Know your audience

Understand who are you tarting. What they like and dislike. What motivate them. Which social media platform that engage them the most. Each platform has their own audience and the way to approach them also different. Bear this in mind and it will guide you all the way long.

Why people share? But there are some main factors that motivate people to share certain types of content. These content also work best for your post: timeliness, emotion, visual impact, community, idealization.

The power of Headlines

Choose the headline phases that attract audiences. For example. people engage with the headline with” will make you” the most. Emotion headline drive Facebook Interactions such as tears of joy or can’t stop laughing. The same applies to curiosity and voyeurism. Other engaging headline is explanations ( This is why, the reason is), quizzes, tribal headlines. Include your post with call-to action headlines also work well.

Apply this into your post and you’ll see the result!

Some ways to strengthen family connection

Theme Before and after

Previously, the theme chosen was Play School Kindergarten with pink color background. Then the theme was changed to Twenty Seventeen with the picture of plants on the desk.

Theme before
Current theme

three CSS selectors on the theme were modified : h1, h2, p

font-size: 20px;
font-family: verdana;
color: blue;
font-size: 18px;
font-family: times new roman;
text-align: center
font-size: 16px;
font-family: arial;
color: purple;

Before CSS modifying
After css modifying
css code
Before html modifying
After html modifying
after html modifying2

Define a new class: A new class name .mystyle is defined in CSS first, then it is applied in html

Define the new class in html

Result as below

There are three main activities that family should do together:

  1. Do outdoor activities
  2. Play sports
  3. Cook special dishes

Doing outdoor activities together

  • Let’s conduct outdoor activities together, merely as going on a picnic, go camping, go a road trip.
  • It’s even better to plan on travelling every year with children.
  • If they are grown up and you are affordable, it will be good to go abroad.
A family including parents and children go camping
A family goes camping in the wood

Play sports

Let children learn to play sports, whether simple sports like cycling, running or complicated like tennis or surfing. Children can develop their physical and spiritual health by playing sports. This brings happy time and fun in the family and erase distance between parents and children.

  • Cook special dishes

Make children’s favorite dishes and eat delicious dishes made by children later. You can have barbeque in your backyard and let your children grill food. In this way, the connection among family members are strengthened and that offers unforgettable memories to children’s childhood. Furthermore, the kids would learn how to cook, which will make them more independent and they can feed themselves when living far away from home.